Medlock Ames (previously Alexander Valley Store) is a 0.95 acre parcel located off of State Highway 128 and Alexander Valley Road, north of Healdsburg, California. The project included the construction of two decomposed granite parking areas, a new building over the existing foundation, a surrounding deck and multiple gardens and groves. The project involved removing a house, a garage and two other building structures.
Adobe Associates, Inc. Civil Engineering and Land Surveying departments provided the following services:
- Topographic Mapping
- Boundary Survey
- Record of Survey
- Legal Descriptions & Plats
- Onsite Grading and Drainage Design
- Frontage Improvements Design (Caltrans Encroachment Permit)
- Construction Administration
- Construction Staking
- Site Plan Coordination
Notable Project Features:
A well done transformation from an old store and bar into a beautiful tasting room and speakeasy with many sustainable green design features including a bioswale.